Monday 22 February 2010

An Intro to My Blog

Hello People!

Alright. First and foremost, I'll have you know that this is my first blogging experience. So... okay, that's surprisingly all I have to say on that topic. Just keep it in mind.

Now that THAT is off my chest (phew!), a very warm welcome to my blog on Book Reviews! This next part might have most of you taken by surprise. I'm going to write reviews on books!! Yes, it's true, my other name is the Master of Suspense (or was it the Bleedingly Obvious?). Well, in particular, since I thoroughly enjoy the genre of Fantasy, most of my Book Reviews would be, well, on Fantasy Books (there I go again with my catching you off-guard). However, I do fancy myself living on the knife's edge, so I occasionally read non fantasy books. When I do, I'll put up some reviews on them as well. Apart from Book Reviews, you folks might see some updates/news on certain books that I'm interested in every now and then.

While telling you about what to expect from this blog, another head's up: I'm not an English-major, or in any way described as one with exquisitely rich and profound taste in literature. I read books that I enjoy, and think that anyone who likes certain themes would enjoy them too. Well, I'm not a complete numbskull either, so I do, once in a blue moon, pick up a book of literary note. And sometimes, I read it too.

Yup, I think that about sums up my "Intro" to the blog. Hope you folks find mention of a few good reads off my page.



  1. Just got your comment on "Bushido"- you know that deep, deep, deep, (deep), down- you're a nice guy? Anyway, your first post made me laugh. So I get an inkling of what would happen were you to start posting book reviews- me laughing my ass off. I can *not* wait!

    And *sigh* is that a picture of you drinking coke?! *death glare of doom*

  2. Looking forward to following your blog! And to start you off with a warm welcome I must say that your writing style for someone who is constantly belittling himself is a style worthy of notice. You've kept my interest with your wit and the way you use your words. I expect good things on this blog! ^^ Pleasure to meet you!
